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Monday, 23 June 2008

Witnessing At Work

I was blessed today to witness to two young Grade 9s who I teach at my School. One has been brought up Catholic, but doesn't agree with that church, and the other isn't anything, but believe in reincarnation.

What was interesting was that the conversation was started by a comment that I wasn't wearing the WWJD bangle that I usually do. One of the girls asked about it and thus the conversation developed. They both had several questions but by the grace of God I was able to answer all of them and always bring it back to the important things, the Law and the Gospel. We parted on aimable terms and they promised to think about their sins, and God's kindness to save them from the sins. The other big think that they didn't get was HOW God saves, through Jesus, what did dying on the cross have to do with it. I was able to share how Your sins are punished on the cross and Jesus (when you are born again) gives you His righteousness.

Pray for these two, any Christian reading this that they would come to the knowledge of the Lord in repentance and faith.

Friday, 20 June 2008


I am so grateful to God, He is so faithful. God has given me such an opportunity. At the High School where I work I was talking to a biology teacher yesterday. The discussion turned to that most contraversial of subjects 'Evolution.' The discussion was very cordial, the teacher in question believes that God exists, but is committed to evolution. Then this morning the same teacher came to me and offored me the opportunity to present the creation view of the world before her students because both sides needs to be presented and she feels she cannot do it fairly.

So I, an IT assistant and teacher, will have the chance to present God before about 30 young matric students, God's faithful...

Sunday, 15 June 2008

The Blind Man

I pose this question to anyone who may be reading it:

I blind man is walking towards a high cliff. What is more loving: redirecting the blind man away from the cliff or giving him some food for the walk?

The answer is obvious: redirecting him away, because if he goes over the cliff he will die! Ponder that for a while, I will expound and explain it in the next post...

Friday, 13 June 2008

Sermon Sources

The two best places for many many sermons from many Godly preachers are the following:

Some preachers include:
C H Spurgeon, John Piper, Ray Comfort, Paul Washer, A W Tozer, John MacArthur, D L Moody, Jonathan Edwards, A W Pink, Thomas Watson, K P Yohannan, Leonard Ravenhill... and so on

Reformers, Puritans and today most Godly and conservitave preachers... Looking for stuff, there where to go to.

Burden Of The Verse

Ephesians 6 vs 1 - 3
1Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) 3That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
I may spend some time on a later post expositing (going through in depth) these three verses, but for now I have been burdened with them for the last hour, so I thought I would post them, for your edification. God Bless

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Gospel Tracks

As any Evangelists know, a good gospel track is just as effective as a one on one witnessing in some situations. There are obviously times for one and times for another, and generally actual preaching is most neccisary. However I have heard many stories of men and women being saved purely from reading a track someone gave them in the street. If nothing else, its a great way to get into evangelism, because it takes much less courage than standing on a soapbox. Here are some tracks, available in South Africa, which are really good:

This is from the Livingwaters Africa Website:

CARD ONE: Hold both cards curving toward the right. Which is bigger, the pink or the blue? Both are the same size. Our eyes are often fooled by optical illusions. Speaking of eyes -- imagine if you were offered $1,000,000 for an eye for the purpose of eye transplants. It could be taken out painlessly, and you be give you a new glass eye which will look as good as your other eye, but it just won't look as good as your other eye. Would you sell an eye for $1,000,000? How about both for $20,000,000? No one in his right mind would. Your eyes are priceless, yet they are merely the windows of your soul. Jesus said that your eyes are worth nothing, when compared to the value of your soul -- "If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you, for it is better to enter Heaven without an eye than to go to Hell with both eyes" (Matt 18:9).
CARD TWO: He asked, "What shall man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matt. 16:26) There is nothing as important as your salvation. Here's what to do: Judge yourself by the Ten Commandments -- Have you lied (even once), stolen (value is irrelevant), committed adultery (Jesus said, "Whosoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart" Matt. 5:28), killed (hatred is considered murder by God -- 1 John 3:15), have you loved God above all else? Be honest. On Judgment Day you know you will be guilty, and therefore end up in Hell. Today, repent (confess and turn from your sin) and trust in Jesus Christ. He died on the cross to take our punishment, and then He rose from the dead. He showed how much God loves us. Then read the Bible daily, obey what you read -- God will never fail you.

available at:
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