New Testing Phase

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Monday, 29 August 2011

To The Women At My Church


Dear Sisters in Christ, specifically those at HBC, my local church.

I write this letter after much consideration and prayer, to you my sisters in Christ, with the purpose primarily to thank you. Thank you for your care, consideration, grace, faithfulness and gentleness. But most of all, I would like to thank you for your modesty.

1 Timothy 2:9  likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire

I thank God that you have embraced this verse, that it is a part of your thinking, and that you take time and effort to obey it.

You see, we men, are lusters, this is usually our special sin. It is something we, as believers have to make all out war against, in the effort to obey God and be holy. And for many, including me, it is something of a near constant battle, especially when in public. But you, dear sisters, have made our church a sanctuary, a place where the war on lust does not need to be fought, a place of rest. And the reason for this is because of how you dress.

But when I am among you, I do not need to bounce my eyes because a skirt is too short, or look away while desperately humming a hymn because a top is too low cut.

I bless you and thank God for that, it is a real blessing.

Pray for us men, in our war on lust. You probably have no idea of what we have to go through, pray that we would keep strong. And I beg, please keep obeying 1 Tim 2:9. You can know that in doing so you get both the satisfaction in obeying God, and are also helping your brothers.

Sincerely and with much Christian love

your brother Gareth


Shane Williamson said...

beautiful stuff Gareth. we are blessed by such godly women who seek after righteousness!

projector22 said...

Thanks Shane, and we certainly are blessed by our Sisters in Christ

Kerry Drew said...

Praise God. Thanks Gareth, we love you guys and am encouraged to know that we are helping not hurting.

projector22 said...

Pleasure Kerry, more than you know, I'm glad one of the ladies has actually read it now, considering it was addressed to them

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