New Testing Phase

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Thursday, 8 September 2011

An Interesting Encounter

I had the privilege of preaching the Gospel again yesterday, first to one girl, then three of her friends. The setup was rather interesting, she was bored in class (and finished the assigned work), but then started talking about, what amounted to existential philosophy. I mentioned to her that that was what she was doing, and gave her permission to look up the word. What followed was research into Ecclesiastes and Lamentations and then the lesson was over. I asked her if she would like to get an understanding of what she was researching, and she said yes.

Right, Romans Road locked on. I began by establishing what she believed about God. She was agnostic, very agnostic, so agnostic that she didn’t even know what the word meant. I proceeded by establishing that God exists, and asking what He requires of us.

We moved from there to the law, and she admitted to lying, stealing and blasphemy. I then explained her dilemma about being under judgment. This was the interesting part of this encounter, her curiosity of how she was to escape judgment. Also somberness. I then explained the Gospel to her using Easter as my springboard, and again, she seemed to be focus clearly on the message preached. What was interesting (as she told me later) she had never heard the Gospel message before, it was her first time to hear it. As I was beginning to explain repentance and faith, her boyfriend, and two other friends who had been wondering around looking for her (it was break time) found her in the computer room.

I switched back to the law, and moving faster than before cause time was short, recapped, using the girl I was first talking to, to explain in her own words. She remembered what I had said quite well, a sign that it had gone in. I then explained the Gospel one more time, for all for to hear, then repentance and faith.

At that point the bell rang and they had to leave. I left with a direct challenge to the girl. “Is what I’m saying true and if so, what are you going to do about it?” They left and I glorified God.

I pray for all for of them, that they would repent and put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I know that they have clearly heard the gospel, and I pray God would make them respond to it.

Soli Deo gloria


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