New Testing Phase

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Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Preaching To Grade 10s

I've just got the new Million Dollar bills from and I thought I'd hand them out in one of the classes, which had before seemed receptive to tracks and the gospel. God is so gracious, that at least 3 people heard clearly the law and the gospel. First time, was a girl I'd tried to witness to before, but something else had interupted. But today we resumed and she clearly heard the gospel. She seemed very convicted. I ended it by asking "Is there any sin that you love enough that you are willing to risk hell for eternity, by doing it?"

I moved to two other girls who I'd given the Million Dollar bills to. These two were not as receptive, but they listened and I left them thinking about their sin and the Saviour's kindness in forgiving us.

Pray for all of them because others in the class heard me as we talked. One girl was heard to say: "thats Sh**". Pray for them all, that they will be saved. In Jesus' name

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